U.S. Navy F/A-18F Super Hornet Aircraft Flying Near A U.S. Air Force KC-135R Stratotanker Refueling A U.S. Navy Ea-6b Prowler Over Helmand, Afghanistan - Free Stock Photography by JVPD's profile avatar JVPD

U.S. Navy F/A-18F Super Hornet Aircraft Flying Near A U.S. Air Force KC-135R Stratotanker Refueling A U.S. Navy Ea-6b Prowler Over Helmand, Afghanistan - Free Stock Photography by JVPD

Image by JVPD

Free stock photo of a U.S. Air Force KC-135R Stratotanker aircraft refueling a U.S. Navy EA-6B Prowler aircraft assigned to Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 139 while a U.S. Navy F/A-18F Super Hornet aircraft assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron 22 flies alongside providing security above the Helmand Province of Afghanistan on Sep. 4, 2008. The aircraft are supporting NATO and Afghan forces as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. DoD photo by Cmdr. Erik Etz, U.S. Navy. (Released)

Stock Photo ID: #COLLCPH1085085-0002

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